Black Fox Call for Staff:
With all the changes we’re making to the magazine, we’re in need of a few good people. Please note that Black Fox positions are a labor of love and are therefore unpaid. If interested, email In the subject line of your email please indicate the position you’re interested in.
The Following Positions are now available:
Readers: We’re looking for two readers to help us read submissions. The primary responsibility of the reader will be to read submissions for Black Fox. The reader will give us 2-3 reasons why they liked or didn’t like a particular piece.
Bloggers: We’re looking for 1-2 bloggers who can contribute weekly blog posts on writing, books, or publishing. Our aim here is advice for writers. Posts should be helpful and/or informative.
Layout and Design: We’re looking for someone who can put the issues together once we’ve accepted pieces.
Interviewer: We’re looking for someone who can find authors (new and established), publishers or agents to interview for our issues and website.
Copy Editor: We are looking for an extra set of eyes to read issues once layout has been completed.
I might be interested in reading submissions, depending on volume and deadlines.
Thank you for your interest Elizabeth, but the reading positions have been filled.
Are you still looking for a copy editor? Your ad was placed last summer – today it’s the end of January, 2014.
I’m a writer and a reader and a freelance copy editor. Please contact me and get me involved . . .
Hi Pat,
Thank you so much for your interest, but the position has been filled.
Dear Editors:
I am writing in response to your call for staff. I am particularly interested in conducting interviews with writers to include in Black Fox. I have a list of authors/colleagues who would be of interest to your readers. In terms of my qualifications for the present job, I invite you to visit my web site, where you will find personal background and publishing history.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Dixon Hearne, Ph.D.
(714) 916-4472
Hi Dixon. We are actually still in need of someone to conduct interviews. Please email a letter of intent and your resume to Thanks!