The Winter 2022 issue of Black Fox Literary Magazine is upon us! Thank you to our contributors for allowing us to continue to publish great work! We’d also like to thank our loyal readers and the Black Fox community. We wouldn’t be able to exist without your support and generosity. Here’s to another issue and another year of publishing! We hope you love Issue #22 just as much as we do!
Read it for free here or Purchase a print copy here.
The Winter 2022 (#22) issue of Black Fox Literary Magazine featuring new fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Cover Artist: Hannah Vitiello. Contributors: Erin Carlyle, Maria Crimi, Natalie Eckl, Samantha Ellis, Lily Emerick, James Engelhardt, Benjamin Faro, Catheryne Gagnon, Vanessa Garcia, D. Walsh Gilbert, Shreeya Goyal, A.J. Granger, Elizabeth Harrison, Claire Jussel, Heather Lang-Cassera, Camille Lebel, Abigail Leigh, Joshua McKinney, Alison Mehrman, Karen McAferty Morris, Stephen Page, Kim Rose, Claire Scott, Adam Slavny, Nina Smilow, Joanna Theiss, Marian Willmott, Lilian Caylee Wang, Alexander Lazarus Wolff, Meg Zukin. Purchase print copies here.
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You can purchase hard copies of the issue here