Four years before his suicide in 2008, David Foster Wallace published his final story collection, Oblivion, which includes eight pieces ranging in length from three pages to about sixty. Unlike his earlier Brief Interviews with Hideous Men collection, there’s no…
A Conversation with Dawn A. Fuller
An interview by Alicia Cole Dawn A. Fuller is a Hungarian-American writer who grew up in the desolate, desperately hot, and nearly-forgotten Imperial Valley. She currently lives in Pasadena, California. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys shameless hours of book…
A Conversation with Mathieu Cailler
An interview by Alicia Cole. Mathieu Cailler’s poetry and prose have been widely featured in numerous national and international publications, including the Los Angeles Times and The Saturday Evening Post. A graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts, he…
Homage to James Dickey’s “Deliverance” – A Retrospective by Ron Clinton Smith
When a gifted poet approaches the novel, the results can be compelling, unusual, certainly bizarre; but exactly what you’ll get is hard to imagine. At the same time I decided to be, or realized I was, a writer, I came…
A Conversation with Sidney Williams
An interview by Alicia Cole. Sidney Williams is the author of eight traditionally published books, five under his own name and three young adult titles under his Michael August pseudonym. He’s also written a host of short stories for magazines…
Guest Post: In Defense of Fanfiction by Erika Staiger
Like a lot of creative writing MFA students, I’m spending my summer trying to turn a few half-written scenes into a novel that I hope might become my thesis (I’m in the I-should-have-just-gone-to-law-school-like-my-parents-wanted-me-to faze of my writing process, thanks for…