For some, the term “back door” may conjure images of Jim Morrison or Howlin’ Wolf singing about men running out the back door to escape getting shot by jealous husbands. But as a poet, I use the expression to mean…
Guest Post: When You Feel Too Much Yet Not At All by Caitlin Cundiff
“Why are all of your poems sad?” That was a comment I found on a poem I wrote during my undergrad. I kind of laughed, it had never really crossed my mind that they were all sad sounding. More importantly,…
Guest Post: Panic Now, Panic Later: The Trouble with Women & Aging by Marjani Viola Hawkins
The pressure that society has placed on women is monumental. From careers, to relationships to social lives: women are made subject to multiple informal life guidelines. At the top of the to-do list, is to develop an aversion to aging…
Guest Post: The Creative One by CL Bledsoe
I always wanted to be a writer, but I was afraid I never could be because I didn’t think I was creative enough. In the fifth grade, my public school moved me into Honors classes based on standardized test scores….
Guest Post: On Drinking and Driving, and On Writing by nv baker
(Dedicated to Idiots, Assholes, Delvers, and Thinkers) Topographies are important. The feel of the land. A lover’s feel, inspirited and hearthsick; caressing hands roughly over protrusions and pressing fingers into the furrows of the terra—that’s how you write, that’s the…
Guest Post: How the Marx Brothers Taught Me to Write Poetry by Marcella Benton
Okay, so maybe the Marx Brothers didn’t really teach me to write poetry, but these wordplay magicians did ingrain in me a love of humor and language that helped seed my desire to manipulate language myself. I’m not the only…