A Conversation with Jaime Reed: Author of Living Violet BF: Your first novel, Living Violet (Book 1 in The Cambion Chronicles) released at the end of last year. How (if at all) has your life changed since being published? JR: Surprisingly,…
A Conversation with Jennifer Hillier
A Conversation with Jennifer Hillier: Author of Creep BF: Your debut novel, Creep, came out last year. It has been described as a dark and intense psychological thriller. What draws you to dark fiction? Have you tried writing in another…
A Conversation with K.M. Walton
A Conversation with K.M. Walton: Author of Cracked K.M. Walton is not only a talented writer, but she’s also an inspiration—and we’re not just saying that because she shares a literary agent with one of our coeditors. Despite years of…
You Are a Writer: Dress the Part
Some say you are what you eat, while for others it’s all about what you wear. We can achieve a lot in our fiction by how we dress our characters: clothes can indicate setting, either geographical or historical; can reflect…
Leveling Up: An Editing Technique
This week I read about a new editing technique called Leveling Up. It actually came from a colleague in teaching who uses it with his class when they do a piece of creative writing. He hands out cards with terms…
How to Reach Clarity in Your Writing
For me, the hardest part of a first draft is the middle. I start with a very clear beginning and I know exactly where the story is going. But the drift of space in the middle of the story, the…