A Conversation with Jennifer Hillier: Author of Creep BF: Your debut novel, Creep, came out last year. It has been described as a dark and intense psychological thriller. What draws you to dark fiction? Have you tried writing in another…
A Conversation with K.M. Walton
A Conversation with K.M. Walton: Author of Cracked K.M. Walton is not only a talented writer, but she’s also an inspiration—and we’re not just saying that because she shares a literary agent with one of our coeditors. Despite years of…
Rejection Equals Success
This week I received my first rejection of 2014. This may sound odd, but I hope it’s the first of many. You see, receiving rejections means two very good things. First, my work is out there in the world being…
The Summer Issue (#8) is Here!
Issue #8 (Summer 2013) is now available! Features work by: Elizabeth Whittington, Chelsea Reeser, Stephen Williams, Danielle Bordelon, Juliet Niehaus, Michael Badger, Kara Harte, Jack Coey, Arthur Davis, Donna Compton, Ricky Tyrer, Francis Fiordalisi, Gordon Bourgon, Christen Gresham,…
Changes to Black Fox
First, we’d like to say that we appreciate the loyalty and the support that our readers and contributors have showed us over the past two years. The magazine could not have been a success without your continued encouragement. We have…