The Spring 2020 issue of Black Fox Literary Magazine has been a long time coming! We want to thank our contributors and the community that stuck behind us during our hiatus. We appreciate your immense patience as we worked to…
Formidable Force: A Review of Lee Ann Roripaugh’s tsunami vs. the fukushima 50 by Brandy Underwood
Browsing through the table of contents in Lee Ann Roripaugh’s tsunami vs. the fukushima 50, there is an unencumbered feeling of veracity. Switching between references to a tsunami like it is a feral entity and classic superheroes, the battle is…
When a Writer Feels Like Sisyphus by David Massey
It is easy for a writer to feel like Sisyphus, rolling the boulder uphill only to have it roll back down before he can reach the top. You send a story to a lit mag and they reply that your…