The conclusion of an interaction with your doctor, or any doctor, or any other medical professional, is often likely to be a bill you don’t understand. We hope it would instead be your good health, but I must leave that…
Guest Post: Breaking News, Breaking News by Gene Goldfarb
If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself with nothing better to do during the election season than tuning in for some news, you might end up at CNN. This is not a recommendation, far from it. I propose to…
Guest Post: A Life in Poetry Ain’t for Sissies by Peter Serchuk
Now into my sixth decade of life and my fourth decade as a serious writer of poems, I can say without hesitation that my life in poetry remains the most exhilarating, depressing, titillating, frustrating, constructive, destructive, enlightening, and numbing experience…
Guest Post: Revision: Knowing When to Swing the Darlings-Axe by Allie Gove
One of the first things that really struck me to hear from a writing teacher was this: “there is no good writing, only good re-writing.” As a first semester student in my first Intro to Creative Writing class (because yes,…