Despite two and a half years in a top-ranked MFA program, nobody told me anything about what the writing life was like—especially outside the shelter of academia. In our writing workshops we analyzed the short stories everyone was writing in…
“Method Writing”: Where Acting and Creative Writing Overlap by Charissa Roberson
I attended a theater camp every winter when I was in high school. Usually, I played a background character who delivered a line or two during the production. But my senior year, I got a small, yet substantial role that…
Finding Your Genre: Grief, a Pandemic, and a Blind Date by Rosemarie Dillon
Once upon a time, I wrote fantasy. My mind gave birth to gorgeous characters and creatures…until eventually, the daunting task of world building brought those journeys to an irreverent halt. You see, I’d never been much of a plotter. I…
La Vie En Rose by Jerrice J. Baptiste
As a little girl, I often encountered dead bodies on my way to school during the Baby Doc dictatorship in the 1980’s. We’d hear the gunshots fired outside of my Catholic school and take cover under our desks. There were…
How to Write a Book While Parenting by Isabel Mader
When your second child is born, you and your partner will decide that it makes the most sense for you to be a stay-at-home parent for a little while. Not forever, just for a little while. And you are thrilled…
Seats at the Table by A’rikka Dion
I remember the day that I decided I wanted to be a writer. I was ten and, although I had long been labeled as “the girl with the books,” it had never occurred to me that I could create my…
Guest Post: Loving-Kindness for Writers by Jessica Demarest
Confession: I’m obsessed with yoga. I took my first yoga class three years ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. As obsessions usually do, my yoga practice has seeped into my everyday life in more ways than one. More often…
Secretary by Megan Roberts
I was called a secretary again. When I hear the word, it makes my blood boil. I know my master’s degree is sitting on the shelf laughing at the way my face contorts when my co-workers spew their venom. The…
Guest Post: On Lena Dunham and Growing Up By Sarah Goncalves
Maturity has a strange way of sneaking up on you. A few years ago, I had watched the first few episodes of Girls, written by and starring girls’ girl Lena Dunham. At the time, I lauded it (as many critics…
BFLM’s 2015 Pushcart Nominations
Black Fox Literary Magazine is pleased to announce our nominations for the 2016 Pushcart Prize: Fiction: Murdo, By Southwest by Mark Heydon (Issue #12, Summer 2015) Geographic Cure by Amy Yolanda Castillo (Issue #11, Winter 2015) Nonfiction: It’s Still Me…
A Conversation with Rob Mosca
Interview by Alicia Cole Before being gainfully employed as a mild mannered bureaucrat toiling mindlessly in the bowels of one of Corporate America’s numerous cube farms, Rob Mosca was haunted by dreams of becoming an author. Envisioning a lush life…
Selfies vs. Traditional Publishing – Which Style Fits You Best?
Self-publishing outstripped the traditional publishing market in terms of titles produced around 2010. Yes, you might agree, but how many of those titles are complete rubbish? Furthermore, selfies are the ones who got rejected from real publishers so what could…