The wait if finally over! Here are the results for our Fairy Tale Remix Prize! The Black Fox team read through so many innovative submissions. A sincere thank you to all the writers who submitted their work for us to…
A Review of Celaine Charles’s Three Hearts Stitched: Poems About Adoption by Judith E. Camann
Three Hearts Stitched: Poems About Adoption by Celaine Charles (Egret Lake Books January 2024) is a book-length triple helix. Voices of a birth mother, adoptive parents, and child entwine from a shared axis of freedom. Each voice clear in confusion,…
Celebrating the Clipboard by Noelle Sterne
Clipboards? Those remnants of the writer’s Stone Tablet Age? In this explosive Age of iPads, tablets, laptops, endlessly propagating apps, smart watches that make your coffee, and GPS trackers that pin down your editor in the Hamptons and remind her…
2024 Summer Writing Prompts (Part 1)
Beat writer’s block this summer with some of our prompts! This is part one of (?). We’ll post a new batch of prompts to inspire you throughout the summer! If you do end up using one of our prompts, please…
Agent Alchemy Feedback Program with Literary Agent Leah Pierre
Introducing Agent Alchemy, Black Fox Literary Magazine’s new literary agent feedback program. Every novelist faces hurdles when shaping their manuscripts or on their road to representation. Who better to offer you craft-based insight on your pages than a literary agent?…
May 2024 National Short Story Month Prompts
We had a blast inspiring you to write short stories this month and we hope you did too! Below is a compiled list of the prompts we posted on our Instagram page throughout the month of May. Feel free to…
3 Questions for Literary Agent Leah Pierre
A Texas native, Leah Pierre briefly moved to the East Coast to attend Rosemont College to pursue her dream of working, in publishing. Not long after graduating with her B.A. in English and History, Leah found an agency home at Ladderbird Literary…
May Class – Query Craft: Successful Submission Materials with Literary Agent Leah Pierre
Announcing The Black Fox Writing Academy’s May workshop! Once you’ve written the novel and decide to seek representation, it can be tough knowing where to start with crafting the right materials for your submission! What goes into a compelling query letter and…
April 2024 National Poetry Month Prompts
Here at Black Fox HQ, we LOVE National Poetry Month! Every year, we try to share a few prompts to get you inspired! We could always use a little more poetry in the world, right? Below is a compilation of…
April Poetry Workshop: Poetic Forms with Heather Lang-Cassera
Join Black Fox Literary Magazine and Heather-Lang Cassera via Zoom for a 2-hr. exploration of poetic forms including the awdl gywydd, pantoum, and more. Throughout this generative writing workshop, poets will read and write in an encouraging online environment. Participants…
Issue #26 (Winter 2024) is Here!
We are so proud to present Issue #26 of Black Fox Literary Magazine! With each new issue, we aim to showcase the diverse talents and voices that make our literary community so vibrant and inspiring. As you flip through the…
Results of Our Rhapsody of Regret Prize!
We would like to sincerely thank all the writers who entered their work for consideration in our Rhapsody of Regret Prize! We recognize the tremendous amount of willpower and bravery that comes with sending your work out into the world,…