Attention, everyone! The results are here for our Fall Prize with theme, Fragments of Time! The Black Fox team was so happy to read all your incredible submissions. It takes a lot of guts to send your work out for…
2025 Winter Writing Prompts (Part 1)
There will be no writer’s block on our watch this winter! We have a new batch of winter prompts as promised. We hope to keep posting prompts, so be on the lookout for part two next. If you do end…
Announcing the Black Fox 2025 Winter Prize: Rise or Ruin
Black Fox is accepting submissions for our winter writing prize. The theme for this round is “Rise or Ruin.” We are open to loose interpretations of the theme in any genre, as always. Good reputation or bad? Reputations can mold destinies,…
A Review of Lauren Kate’s What’s in A Kiss by Mary Sophie Filicetti
Lauren Kate, author of the richly envisioned, best-selling YA fantasy Fallen series, has applied her talent for world-building to What’s in a Kiss, a literary romance for adults. As in Fallen, Kate’s fast-paced plot manages tension and expectations as it…
A Review of Zack Rogow’s Hugging My Father’s Ghost by Wendy Mannis Scher
Inside a curtained photo booth, a father and his 3-year-old son—a camera flash-captures their smiles and laughter: a mini-eight portrait-souvenir of a joyful moment spent in New York’s Time Square. It’s 1955, the same year this father, 36-year-old Lee Rogow,…
Five Mysteries of Publishing by Lev Raphael
Despite two and a half years in a top-ranked MFA program, nobody told me anything about what the writing life was like—especially outside the shelter of academia. In our writing workshops we analyzed the short stories everyone was writing in…
2024 Summer Writing Prompts (Part 2)
We’re back with our second batch of summer writing prompts! If you’re looking for our first batch, you can find them here. We will not leave you at the mercy of writer’s block! If you do end up using one…
A Review of Celaine Charles’s Three Hearts Stitched: Poems About Adoption by Judith E. Camann
Three Hearts Stitched: Poems About Adoption by Celaine Charles (Egret Lake Books January 2024) is a book-length triple helix. Voices of a birth mother, adoptive parents, and child entwine from a shared axis of freedom. Each voice clear in confusion,…
3 Questions for Literary Agent Leah Pierre
A Texas native, Leah Pierre briefly moved to the East Coast to attend Rosemont College to pursue her dream of working, in publishing. Not long after graduating with her B.A. in English and History, Leah found an agency home at Ladderbird Literary…
A Review of DeWitt Henry’s Restless for Words by Elizabeth Gauffreau
I found DeWitt Henry’s poetry collection Restless for Words an accessible and relatable exploration of both language and “the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself” (to quote William Faulkner). Reflection on the book as a whole engaged…
Secrets Beneath Our Skin by Suzanna C. de Baca
Winner of the Fox Tales “Art of Deception” Contest *Note: We’ve posted a screenshot of the winning poem for the sake of keeping the exact formatting. Secrets Beneath Our Skin
How to Write a Saturation Poem by Jennifer Jean
For years, I’ve been trying to write an ekphrastic poem about Gustav Klimt’s posthumous portrait Ria Munk III. I’ve tried every kind of approach to an ekphrastic that I know: describing the artwork, writing from the viewpoint of an object…